Milan, ASviS Festival 2019 – Business and Agenda 2030 "Accelerating the transition to sustainability”

Ten of the most representative business associations, members of ASviS, attending the Festival for Sustainable Development at the conference "Businesses and finance for sustainable development. Opportunities to be seized and obstacles to be removed" which took place in Milan on the 28 of May signed the joint document" Accelerating the transition to sustainability - Businesses for 2030 Agenda". This document present the lines of action needed to accelerate the step towards to the Sustainable Development Goals.

It is a time of urgency; transition, innovation and resilience must transform risks into opportunities. The Country need to accelerate sustainable development actions to meet the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda signed by 193 countries.

Signing this “Pact of Milan”, the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives, Confagricoltura, Confartigianato Imprese, CIA - Italian Farmers, National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises (CNA), Confcommercio, Confindustria, Federation of Insurance Banks and Finance (FEBAF), Unioncamere, Utilitalia enterprises water environment energy, committed to move forward from the path started in 2017. They also invited the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to set up a Working Group. The only way to succeed is having the institution embracing the move, to promote the 2030 Agenda principles adoption by businesses, launching initiatives that stimulate the culture of sustainability within the companies’ management and put them in practice.

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