NCP regulations
The NCPs activity is grounded on:
- OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises;
- Decision of the Council on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises;
- Law 273 12 December 2002, Art. 39 published in the Official Journal n. 293 of 14 December 2002 - supplement n. 230, envisaging the Italian NCP (IT);
- Ministerial Decree establishing the NCP published in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic, general series, N. 191 of 16 August 2004 (IT):
- Ministerial Decree of 18 March 2011 enlarging the membership of the NCPs' Committee (IT);
- Ministerial Decree of 4 June 2015, published in the Official Journal n. 143 of 23 June 2015, modifying the composition of the NCP's Committee (IT);
- The "Handbook for the management of the specific instances submitted to the Italian National Contact Point” has been adopted on the 27 of july 2018 with the Decree of the Director General of the DGPIIPMI of the Ministry of the Economic Development.
- For an English versions see the Unofficial consolidated English version of Ministerial Decree of 30 July 2004 as modified by the Ministerial Decree of 18 March 2011 and by the Ministerial Decree of 4 June 2015 March 2011 (EN).