New NCP's handbook for the management of the specific instances

... For settling disputes between one or more stakeholders and one or more companies, arising from the alleged non-observance of the OECD Guidelines, through consensual procedures, such as, for example, mediation and conciliation. This mechanism offers the opportunity to resolve critical and conflicting situations in areas such as human rights, workers' rights, environmental protection, transparency, etc.

The "Handbook" indicates the procedures for the management of this mechanism in accordance and consistency with the  Implementation procedures and the related  Comments of the OECD Guidelines.

By publishing this "Handbook", the NCP also intends to follow up some of the recommendations that have been made to it as an outcome of the peer review process to which it has been subjected within the OECD. To this end, an ad hoc Working Group was set up on 16 October 2017 made up of members of the NCP Committee representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Confindustria and the CGIL, CISL and UIL trade unions, under the coordination of the NCP Secretariat, in charge of develping a draft handbook.

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