NCP's tools and guidances
Report on responsible business conduct in the textile and garment supply chain - On June 23, 2014, in Paris, on the occasion of the NCPs' annual meeting and of the OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct (OECD, 23-27 June 2014), the Italian NCP presented the "Report on responsible business conduct in the textile and garment supply chain. Recommendations of the Italian NCP on implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises". The report is one of the expected outcomes of the "Action Plan on Bangladesh" the Italian NCP has adopted and implemented in 2013-2014 to help businesses and stakeholders to respond to the need for for sustainability - especially in term of human rights - in the global supply chain of the textile and garment sector. It accounts for the work carried out together with business associations, trade unions, NGOs and other stakeholders and represents, at the same time, one of the main outcomes of it. The report contains 24 recommendations addressing companies, both operating in Bangladesh, and more generally in the entire supply chain, textiles and clothing, to help improve the pathways responsible management of the supply chain in accordance with the Guidelines.
Guidance for the due diligence in the supply chain - In 2011, the NCP, in cooperation with KPMG developed the Guidance for the due diligence in the supply chain (IT), with the aim of translating into practice the indications on due diligence contained in the Guidelines and helping enterprises in particular SMEs, in assessing and preventing the risk of negative impacts on the values protected by the OECD Guidelines (human rights, environment, competition, etc.. ).
Indicators for accounting non-financial risk in the gold supply chain - In the framewprk of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with Confindustria-Federorafi (gold sector firms’ association) and RJC (Responsible Jewelery Council) on the 18 May 2012, to assist in the promotion of good practices of Italian gold sector, in social, environmental and labour areas, the NCP mandated “BilanciaRSI – Valore Sostenibile” an adivsory association, to carry out a project to raise awareness and education on CSR and the OECD Guidelines among SMEs in the Italian gold jewelery sector. Taking into account the principles and provisions of the Guidelines, and the specific needs of the sector, a set of indicators has been finally developed to assist companies in monitoring and accounting non-financial risk related to the gold supply chain. Read the abstract (EN.)
Decalogue for a sustainable steel industry - The NCP collaborated with Feralpi (International steel group specialised in the production of steel for construction) and Assofermet (Association of scrapers) for the realization, with the support of KPMG, of a Decalogue for a sustainable steel industry.
The Corporate Social Responsibility within the framework of the "OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises - A focus on Small and Medium Enterprises- In 2009 the NCP has commissioned the LUISS University to carry out a survey to examine how the CSR allows SMEs to create value for their own stakeholders, through the analysis of the determiners and the modalities of adoption of sustainable practices by these enterprises, and to detect the state of the art and the perspectives in measuring and accounting CSRThe outcomes of such survey are contained in the volume: “The Corporate Social Responsibility within the framework of the "OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises - A focus on Small and Medium Enterprises”(IT), elaborated by the LUISS (read the abstract-EN).
CSR in the supply chain - Quantitative analysis carried out by the Bocconi University to investigate the change dynamics in the management models of the value chain in the supply chain relationships of SMEs.
Businesses and human rights – Survey aimed at verifying the compliance of the Italian regulatory and institutional framework with the new international standards (in particular, the first and third pillar of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights). Download the Report on “Business and Human Rights in Italy (iT)".