2021-2026 National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights

Rome, March 11, 2021

The Interministerial Committee for Human Rights (CIDU) - an Italian state body set up at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and composed of representatives of various administrations competent in the field of human rights, including the Ministry of Economic Development - launched the online public consultation to collect the observations and proposals from the stakeholders, in view of the definition of the second National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (2021-2026).

The National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights is a tool to meet the new needs of interaction between human rights and the economic dimension, as prescribed by the UN "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights." An approach that has found new life with the launch of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to which Italy is committed to making its contribution.

In 2016 Italy was among the first Countries to adopt the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights for the period 2016-2021.

This public consultation promotes the active participation of trade associations and trade unions, civil society organizations, various experts in the sector and all citizens in the drafting of the second Plan for the years 2021-2026.

Please find directions to answer the questionnaire: https://cidu.esteri.it/comitatodirittiumani/resource/doc/2021/03/modulo_consultazione_online_2021.pdf

Consultation opening March 10, 2021

Deadline for sending the questionnaire: 12 April 2021


Other useful links:

The Interministerial Committee for Human Rights (CIDU)

Human Rights section on the NCP’s website



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