Responsible business conduct and the protection of the rights of children

Monday 7 September

The European Union is working for children's rights and looks at the impact that corporate activities have on children's lives.
After some years of continuous progress for the eradication of child labor, the Covid-19 pandemic has put a strain on the global economic and social system and risks worsening an already intolerable situation.
Zero tolerance on child labour is a policy priority of the EU commission in charge, that is commtited to respond to child labour by means of an holistic approach,  addresseing its causes and the full spectrum of child deprivation.
By leveraging on the action of the Member States, both jointly an individually, the EU intends to adopt ambitious policies and legislative measures to address the impacts of business operations on children's rights and ensure their protection inside and outside the EU.
The German Presidency of the EU, on 02 September 2020, organised the Webinar entitled: "Responsible business conduct for the promotion and protection of children's rights" with the aim to offer valuable contributions from experts from international organizations, NGOs and businesses on their experiences in the field of children's rights. The debate was moderated by Andrew Mawson, (Chief Child Rights and Business, UNICEF “Background & Framing”). The reflections confirmed that a holistic approach is needed to improve the situation, and strongly suggested that a mandatory business due diligence on human rights, at national and EU level,  could significantly improve the protection of children's rights.



Official website of the European Union

The official government website of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2020




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