OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

Rome, 18 February 2022

Representatives of governments, businesses, trade unions and civil society will discuss the progress made in implementing the OECD Guidelines and key developments in the sector, some of which relate to the very essence of supply chain structures and the ability of different actors to adopt risk-based due diligence in their day to day activities. A series of panel sessions will explore business models and policy initiatives  from which the best RBC practices can be derived (purchasing practices, supply chain dialogue structures, living wages, mitigation measures, adaptation to climate risk, mandatory due diligence, public procurement).

The Forum will take place in virtual mode .

To register and to learn more https://oecd-events.org/garment


OECD Roundtable for Policy Makers

As part of the Forum, on 22 February 2022 the OECD will also host a roundtable by invitation, which will bring together policymakers from all major economies involved in the garment and footwear sector and its supply chain, to discuss measures to accompany the regulations on mandatory due diligence.

To learn more about the roundtable: https://mneguidelines.oecd.org/policy-maker-roundtable-for-responsible-supply-chains-in-the-garment-footwear-supply-chains.pdf




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