How to submit a specific instance to the National Contact Point

The specific instance must be drafted in writing. To this aim, a courtesy form is available on the NCP website (

Once drafted, the specific instance must be submitted to the NCP electronically at the e-mail address:

The submission of the specific instance can be preceded by informal contacts with the NCP Secretariat. These contact don’t replace the submission of the specific instance in the established form, that is required, anyhow, to start the procedure.

The specific instance must contain:

  • • the contact details of the person submitting the specific instance and, if the case, of the organization represented, and of the holders of the interests that the specific instance aims to advocate;
    • the contact details of the other parties involved as well as of third parties from which to acquire further information, with a brief indication of the reasons justifying their involvement;
    • the contact details of the multinational enterprise(s) towards which the specific instance is submitted;
    • the indication of the country / countries in whose territory(s) the issues arose;
    • the detailed description of the facts that are the subject of the dispute, with an indication of the principles and recommendations of the Guidelines that are considered applicable to the specific case, including documents (also in copy) and other elements such as to give relevance and credibility to the specific instance;
    • the indication of the data, among those provided with the specific instance, considered strictly confidential and those for which it is requested that they are not communicated even to the counterparty(ies). On these indications the PCN reserves the right to make its own evaluation, informing the complainant(s);
    • the indication of the national and / or international, public and / or private authorities, as well as of the other NCPs before which a proceeding is pending or has been concluded, concerning the same facts of the specific instance or facts connected (so- called parallel proceedings), in so far as the complainant(s) is aware of;
    • the request to the NCP to provide its good offices to contribute to the consensual resolution of the issues raised, with the indicative illustration of the expected outcomes;
    • the signature of the person submitting the specific instance.

After the submission of the specific instance, the complainant is not allowed to raise new issues.

Within one week after the reception of the specific instance, the NCP confirms the reception to the complainant(s) and informs the enterprise(s) involved.

The requirements and steps to be followed for submitting an application are explained in greater detail in the Handbook for the management of the specific instances submitted to the Italian National Contact Point



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